Alumni Link

The HUB: Career Center

Published Date: May 1, 2013

by Sandra McKinney, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore Campus, Alumni Office

Have you ever been without a job? The market for jobs, particularly “ministry” jobs is shaky.  I have applied for church positions at various size churches to never get a call or sometimes I did get a call and wish I had never taken the interview. There was the forty year old who texted throughout the entire interview. Or the gentleman in his seventies who fell asleep each time the pastor spoke. But the stories I have of what churches should not do when interviewing a candidate is for another article. First, we must find jobs for which to apply.

An important feature of The HUB is the Career Network.  This allows for alumni to post jobs as well as search for jobs. Jobs can be in churches, mission organizations, the marketplace, and everywhere in-between. Positions can be full or part-time, contract, internship, or support-raising. Though many jobs currently posted are in the United States, we welcome alumni across the world to post openings in their various countries.  You are welcome to email the following job information to and it will be added to The HUB for you.

Organization Name (such as Denomination)

Organization’s website

Person to Contact

Available position



Job description

Employment type (full or part time, contract, internship, support-raising)

How to apply (email, mail, fax, etc..)

Application closing date

The potential for The HUB is immense, but dependent on the engagement of the alumni.  The whole alumni community will benefit with each alumni who updates their information, posts jobs, upload resumes, and agree to mentor one another.

One of my personal dreams is to see Asbury Alumni finding jobs through The HUB and then sharing their success stories with us. If this is you, I would love to hear from you at May your stories be optimistically memorable rather than dreadful stories such as mine.

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