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Good News Bhawan – World Christian Revitalization Movement

Published Date: January 5, 2015

By: Dr. James Miller – Professor of Inductive Biblical Study and New Testament and Director of Center for the Study of World Christian Revitalization Movements

The Center for the Study of World Christian Revitalization Movements at Asbury Theological Seminary is currently in the midst of a four year global research program funded by the Henry Luce Foundation. Entitled, “Emerging World Christian Identities: Transformation in the Urbanized and Globalized Context,” the project involves case study research on individual Christian revitalization movements in four major urban areas in the non-Western world. These case studies are then examined by international teams of scholars and practitioners at a consultation held in each region, cosponsored by an Asbury Seminary global partner institution.

This research builds upon the Center’s research conducted under a previous grant from the Luce Foundation and directed by Asbury Seminary’s Professor J. Steven O’Malley. Noted scholar of World Christianity, William Burrows, characterized that research as “getting its finger on the pulse” of what will come after Christendom. The current research hopes to further clarify that picture as well as to promote Christian revitalization globally. The proceeds from the first grant have been published in J. Steven O’Malley, ed., Interpretive Trends in Christian Revitalization for the Early Twenty First Century (Lexington: Emeth Press, 2011) and O’Malley, ed Revitalization Amid Diaspora: Explorations in World Christian Revitalization Movements (Lexington: Emeth Press, 2013).

Past regional projects and consultations (and partners) have included East Africa with a consultation held in July 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya (African International University). Northern India and Nepal followed by a consultation in Dehra Dun, India in July-August 2014 (New Theological College). Future projects include the Philippines with the consultation to be held in Manila in July 2015 (Asia Graduate School of Theology) and the Caribbean region followed by a gathering in San José, Costa Rica, in January 2016 (Evangelical Methodist Seminary).

The uniqueness of this research lies primarily in its concrete, case study approach. Rather than trying to understand how God is at work from the “30,000 foot level” as is common in analyses of world Christianity, these studies seek to understand God’s revitalizing work in a more incarnational, contextual manner. It asks, “How is God at work in this particular socio-cultural, historical setting.” On the basis of these concrete understandings, compared across distinct regions of the globe, we then seek to learn how we may promote further renewal work more broadly.

In addition to promoting Christian revitalization, the project has several publishing aims. For example, the case studies along with analysis of those studies will be published in East Africa early in 2015. Co-edited by J. Steven O’Malley and Dr. Philomena Mwaura of Kenyatta University in Kenya, the volume will be available outside of Africa electronically through FirstFruits. A similar volume is under preparation for India and Nepal. The major print piece from the project, however, will be an agenda setting work on the study of World Christianity, rooted in the cumulative case study work across the four regions (currently in the proposal stage).

The project is also unique in that we seek to document each case not only in writing, but also in visual form. The end result will be a significant online database of video material about World Christianity, a database that will be the “go to” resource for scholars, students, and churches on the subject. The major book on World Christianity will be linked to this web resource.

For the next several issues of the Alumni News, we will include samples of this video work. Ryan Staples, Asbury Seminary’s videographer, has been traveling the globe to record and edit this material. This month’s sample comes from Bhopal and can be viewed here. Dr. Jim Miller, Director of the Center for the Study of World Christian Revitalization Movements and Professor of Inductive Biblical Study and New Testament on the Florida Dunnam campus, serves as Grant Director.

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