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Alumni Publications – November 2014

Published Date: October 22, 2014

An Introduction to First & Second Thessalonians: The Message of Christ in Turmoil & Tranquility: A Formational and Theological Interpretation by Dr. Jeffrey Hiatt (2008, DMiss)

This work is intended to be an introduction for students and lay persons interested in a scholarly informed, but easily accessible, biblical study for personal or small group Christian formation. For technical scholarly arguments debating the variants, intricacies of nuanced interpretation, conclusions, and decisions regarding the selection of each of the elements and its details, refer to the sources cited and their bibliographies.

Download the e-book for free here.

An Introduction to Romans, A Christian Missionary Letter: A Formational and Theological Interpretation by Dr. Jeffrey Hiatt (2008, DMiss)

Download the e-book for free here.

Broken and Blessed – Women’s Bible Study Participant Book: How God Used One Imperfect Family to Change the World by The Rev. Jessica LaGrone (2002, MDiv)

Blessed anJessica LaGrone Bookd Broken is a 6 week study that traces the story of the Genesis family through the generations from Adam and Eve to Joseph, bringing blessings from brokenness. The book suggests that despite both good and bad traits that were passed down, God worked good into every generation in his determination to transform those within and outside the bloodlines. The book ends with the story of Joseph, who decided to stop the cycle by offering forgiveness and grace to his brothers. The study shows how God can use our own imperfect families to bring blessings to a hurting and broken world. The Participant Book contains five daily readings per week, each including Scripture, reflective teaching material with questions and space for recording responses, prayer suggestions, and ideas for practical application.

Purchase it today from Amazon or from Cokesbury.

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